Monday, September 26, 2011

Brave New World Singularity

The idea of Singularity in that a man and machine become one is just that, an idea, or concern.  Although in the article it's mentioned "So if computers are getting so much faster, so incredibly fast, there might conceivably come a moment when they are capable of something comparable to human intelligence." (Grossman 1), I don't think any computers  intelligence will over come humans.  Machines are said to eventually become smarter then the human mind and either eliminate us or use us in their liking.  "Maybe the computers will turn on humanity and annihilate us." (Grossman1).  The possibility of us being enslaved rather then just annihilated is more likely.  The artificial intelligence could always use an update, and it is us humans that can teacher them how to do so.  they might even treat us as we treated the colored people with slavery, back before people realized all men are equally created.  
If the geniuses of the human race are as intelligent as they seem, they will know better then to try and create a computer that might have a single flaw that will end us.  If caution is taken into consideration, not only will computers become faster and assist us more efficiently, we will become one with the machine.  This could both be an enhancement to our capabilities or a huge affliction to us as humans, because we won't be fully human anymore and our ability to be ourselves will be lost.  Bernard is onto somethings in Brave New World when he starts to think that humanity can reach a state of perfection with these creations in this new world.  People similar to Kurzweil in thought and intelligence can choose to believe that we will either prosper with artificial intelligence or be annihilated by losing control of it, or they can choose to make sure that those possibilities never come into play.

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